viernes, 9 de julio de 2010


Do you know anything about South Africa? Would you like to know what South Africa has to offer? As you all know the football World Cup took place in South Africa, well this is a perfect excuse to get to know this country better.

Answer the following questions checking the information on the net.

  • What is the estimated total population of South Africa?

  • What is the capital city of South Africa?

  • What are the six major languages spoken in South Africa?
  • In which province is the city of Johannesburg located?

  • What precious metal is responsible for attracting much of the population to this region?

  • What was the estimated population of Johannesburg in 1987?

  • What percentage of this population was white? African (black)? "Colored"? Indian?

  • Now ex-president of South Africa, this man served 25 years of a life sentence in prison for standing up against racial opression in South Africa. What is his name?

  • What international honor was he awarded for his life's work?

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